Sunday, October 01, 2006

One Koan

Only one koan matters:
- Ikkyu

1 comment:

Sleeping Lotus said...

I think this painting is just magnificent. I wish I knew who the artist is. I chose this two-line poem by Ikkyu because the "You" of the poem stands out just as Christ does in this painting. The Japanese word "koan" refers to a Zen Buddhist concept in which a question or a statement is posed that appears to be innaccesible on a literal level but which, on a spritual level, becomes more clear through contemplation--similar to the way classical philosophy can be taught through the use of rhetorical questions: not meant be answered in a literal fashion, but posed as a means to teach a lesson through contemplation of the question itself. An example of a famous koan is: "Two hands clap and there is a sound; what is the sound of one hand?"

Place the poem by Ikkyu in a Christian light, Jesus becomes the only koan that matters, has meaning and is worthy of contemplation.